on 16 December 2019
Digest #2019.12.16 –The Decade of Artifical Intelligence
AI Competing with Wall Street – Artificial Intelligence is replacing traders on Wall Street; what used to be a busy bustling market with chatter and cold calls are now the slight hums of machines running algorithms and executing trades. The demand for people with coding skills who can train models for intelligent trading and fight fraud and security risks is on the rise. Investment banks that once called for traders and placed big bets on them are now pivoting to place their bets on people who have the math, technology, software, coding, data analytics and related skills to work along with electronic trading.
Artificial Intelligence Decade Review – 2010s was a big decade for AI, ML and robots. There were big breakthroughs, tech got cheaper, more convenient, at times more confusing. We made the machines smarter, more powerful, invited them in our homes, put them in control of minor everyday tasks, they also leaked some data at times and then we tried to control them (GDPR…). Read the full article for the decade in review for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Reducing Maintainer Toil on Kubeflow – Maintaining Open-Source Software is hard! Kubeflow’s Github repo is seeing an exponentially increasing number of open issues and requests as it is gaining traction. To ease maintainability a bit, the team at Github and Kubeflow OSS introduced Project code-intelligence, the idea for which started out of demos for Kubeflow use-cases. If you’re interested in helping Kubeflow OSS “Help us create reports that pull and visualize key performance indicators (KPI), Github link. Ensemble repo specific and non-repo specific label predictions, Github link.
Everyday Applications of Machine Learning – Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have become a big part of most people’s everyday lives. From the searches on the internet to the targeted ads and your vacuum cleaner mapping out your room, AI/ML in technology is a prevailing part of our daily lives. Check out 12 applications of AI/ML that are part of some daily lives and business.